Central Ohio Returned Peace Corps Volunteers Association
Columbus, OH
Welcome to CORVA
--a non-profit organization of returned Peace Corps volunteers in the Columbus, Ohio metropolitan area that serves as the local representative of the National Peace Corps Association (NPCA).
We are a 501(C)3 organization dedicated to connecting people from other countries to each other through service and conversation.
***Contact us at
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*2024 Meetings and Events*
January 17, 2024 (Wed) Dinner Out – 6:00 pm Laibela Restaurant, 1111 S. Hamilton Rd. Columbus, OH 43227. This is part one of Ethiopian series. February 11, 2024 (Sun) Book Reading “Taking the Plunge” 1-3 pm @ Martin Luther King Library, 1467 E. Long St., Columbus, OH Part 2 of Ethiopian Series - RPCV William Hershey will be reading from his recently published memoir about his Peace Corps service in Ethiopia. - Hershey spent more than 40 years reporting on Ohio government and politics at the local, state and national levels. He was the Akron Beacon Journal‘s Washington correspondent and Columbus Bureau Chief for the Beacon Journal and the Dayton Daily News. He was a major contributor to coverage that won the 1987 Pulitzer Prize for the Beacon Journal staff for reporting on Sir James Goldsmith’s attempted takeover of the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. He is co-author with John C. Green of Mr. Chairman: The Life and Times of Ray C. Bliss. March 20, 2024 Dinner out (Wed) @ 6pm Café Istanbul, 6125 Riverside Dr., 6pm April 13, 2024 (Sat) - Greater Columbus Cherry Blossom Festival, Adventure Center in Franklin Park, Columbus – CORVA has a booth representing Peace Corps. International Voluntary Organization puts on this festival. Also need volunteers to help with parking. Festival is free. Enjoy the cherry blossoms in full bloom, plus vendors, dances, music, children's activities and more. April 21,2024 Potluck (Sun) – 3-6 pm. Who can host? May 15, 2024 Dinner out – Bonifacio, (Philippines) 1577 King Ave. 6 p.mJune 16, 2024 3-6 pm at Pete and Shirley Wilms house. Address sent in Evite
June 28- 30 2024 CORVA Watermelon Booth @ COMFEST This is our main fundraiser. Sign up for a shift or two. Signups start in June.
August 18, 2024 Annual Meeting and Potluck Picnic 5-8 pm Alum Creek North Shelter House, 221 N. Main St.Westerville.
We will be voting on the board, getting updates on fundraising and planning future dinners out etc. Bring kids. There is a playground.
September 18, (WED) 2024 Dinner Out - Wycliff's Kitchen, specializing in Nigerian and Kenyan cuisine. 2492 Home Acre Dr. Columbus, 6 pm. If you can order ahead, this will be helpful so the kitchen knows what to prepare. 614/772-3461
October 20, (Sun.) Potluck at Lara and Kevin Flaute's Farm in Carol, 1-4 pm Bring a dish to share. Look for Evite with the address.
October 25 (Fri) Ohio State University's Homecoming Parade 6 pm, Step off at Ohio Stadium and walk to Ohio Union (Line up at West Parking Lot at 5:30 ) Join us as we represent Peace Corps in this yearly tradition. We need folks to carry banners, signs and to pass out sticker. Wear your country's outfit, Peace Corps T-shirt or just come as you are.
November - Happy Thanksgiving!
December 8, Annual Holiday Party -
Pat and Wally Harsh's 5-7 pm Bring a dish to share. Look for Evite with the address. If so, inclined bring an item to donate to CRIS (Community and Refugee Immigrant Services) See donation list. Look for Sign-Up Genius in November.
January 15, 2025, Dinner Out
Ranchero Kitchen, Mexican & Salvadoran cuisine. 984 Morse Rd., 6 p.m.
CORVA Watermelon Booth at COMFEST update! Comfest was a huge success this year!
Drum roll, please ......$4,345.62!.... is the magic number on the CORVA Watermelon Booth at ComFest ' 24
To date we've had a great time FUNdraising $56,466.56 since 2001, just sellin' melon!
Thanks to the efforts of those who helped out with the watermelon booth this June!
A big thanks to Janice Hoegrefe who takes on the feat of organizing the booth each year.
Want to pursue that ‘third goal’ of Peace Corps by sharing your experience with OSU students, staff, and faculty? Some events may be general in scope while others may focus on your program area of service.
Contact the Peace Corps Recruiter Valerie Fronczak, RPCV Malawi at Ohio State if you can help with speaking engagements and recruiting events.
phone: 614-292 3008; email: peacecorps@osu.edu
Carry out the third goal of Peace Corps:
--Bringing the World Back Home by...
Peace Corps and CORVA in the News!
Valerie Fronzcak, (RPCV Malawi and Peace Corps Recruiter), Jamie Rhein (RPCV The Gambia), and Brittany Baker (RPCV Cambodia) were interviewed and featured in this May 13, 2024, article.
Columbus Dispatch article on Peace Corps and Ohio State University Recruiting.
**Peace Corps Connect**
CORVA is also affiliated with the
National Peace Corps Association (NPCA)
The National Peace Corps Association " upholds Peace Corps ideals and supports Peace Corps-inspired initiatives."
**Make Membership Official***
Put a small amount of money to major good use and take action
To join NPCA (with a link that allows you to join CORVA, click here.
NPCA dues are free but up your level for a copy of World View magazine.
CORVA dues are a suggested $15, also for a year. CORVA dues cover cost of the CORVA website.
The Peace Corps Week
February 25- March 2, 2024
March 7 is the NPCA Capitol Hill Day of Advocacy
Peace Corps Week commemorates President John F. Kennedy’s establishment of the agency on March 1, 1961, and celebrates all the ways that Peace Corps makes a difference at home and abroad. As we begin a new decade, we look to the future. This Peace Corps Week, we invite the world to celebrate the ways our host communities and Volunteers are innovating for the world of tomorrow.
Ways to join and celebrate during Peace Corps Week.
Support Peace Corps at the national level by taking action to protect Peace Corps funding.
Click link to see how.
Support CORVA's Projects. Buy a calendar and sell calendars.
***Our supply of International Calendars for 2025 are here!
The calendars are a project of the Returned Peace Corps group in Madison, WI.
Click here to send us a message.
Copyright 2024 Central Ohio Returned Peace Corps Volunteers Association (CORVA). All rights reserved.
Columbus, OH