Central Ohio Returned Peace Corps Volunteers Association
Columbus, OH
As part of Central Ohio's celebration of Peace Corps' 50th Anniversary, CORVA hosted an exhibit “Peace Corps at 50: Memories” at the Northwood Artspace (2231 North High Street – north campus area) September 27-October 29, 2011
Exhibit included:
ñOriginal artworks by CORVA members, RPCVs living in Centeral Ohio or volunteers recruited by the Peace Corps recruiter at OSU who are currently serving depicting – or inspired by – scenes and thoughts about their country of service.
These were abstract or representational paintings, drawings, fiber art, 3-D sculptural and ceramic
ñPhotographs of scenes from volunteer service – village life, family, work, travel.
Important dates to remember:
Exhibition highlights
Reception September 30th, 5 – 8 PM
Readings, also at the gallery: October 21, 6:30-8:00
An evening of readings: poetry, journal entries, letters home, essays and short stories
Copyright 2019 Central Ohio Returned Peace Corps Volunteers Association (CORVA). All rights reserved.
Columbus, OH